Varithena Vein Treatment in Knoxville


Varithena is an FDA-approved injectable foam made of Polidocanol that is used to treat superficial varicose veins.  This minimally-invasive treatment is done in-office and can approve the twisted appearance and pain caused by diseased veins.

During the Varithena procedure the physician injects the foam into the diseased veins. The foam closes the vein and blood flow is routed to other, healthier veins.

Many patients only need one treatment, but depending on the number of defective veins, additional treatments may be necessary.

After treatment, it is recommended that you wear compression stockings as your legs heal and avoid heavy exercise for at least one week.

Varithena doesn’t involve heat or wires.  The treatment is covered by many insurance plans, but patients should check with their specific insurance provider to verify coverage.

BEFORE and AFTER Varithena treatment. Photos courtesy of Boston Scientific.

Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of Varithena