Saving Limbs & Lives

Each year approximately 185,000 Americans experience the loss of a limb. Yet, an estimated 65% of amputations are considered preventable. Preventing limb loss is our goal.
The Premier Vascular & Vein Center is dedicated to managing and treating patients with vascular problems or ischemia due to peripheral artery disease (PAD), diabetes, critical limb ischemia (CLI), or injury who are at high risk of amputation.
To heal wounds and preserve limbs, adequate blood flow is key. Our experienced vascular surgeons are experts at assessing and restoring blood flow to the affected region.

Quick Evaluation

A timely and aggressive approach to wound treatment is essential in limb preservation. At Premier Surgical we offer:

  • Immediate, same-day evaluation by a team of specialists in our state-of-the-art Vascular Center
  • Priority, same-day diagnostic testing including ultrasound and arteriogram (when indicated) in our on-site Vascular suites
  • Evaluation of history and risk factors
  • Prioritized treatment plans to heal wounds and increase blood flow long-term
  • Single point of contact for coordination of care
Follow-up Care

In coordination with referring physicians and other supporting specialists, our team remains involved in follow-up and rehabilitation to ensure healing and avoid recurrences. We remain engaged in:

  • Post procedure assessments
  • Disease management and patient education for PAD
  • Risk reduction with shoe modification and foot protection
Advanced Therapies

In addition to the standard chronic wound care treatments such as medication, dressing, debridement, incision, compression, and vacuum-assisted closure, our team provides limb-preserving procedures and the newest vascular rescue therapies.

Medication Therapy

The first step in treating a chronic wound is to eliminate any infection in the skin or soft tissues. Antibiotic therapies are based on patient-specific factors and culture results of wound drainage to determine what bacteria is causing infection.

Thrombolytics may be used to dissolve large blood clots that are blocking blood flow and causing severe symptoms, while in other cases antiplatelet therapy may be given to stop new blood clots from forming.

Vascular & Endovascular Therapy

Our vascular surgeons use minimally invasive techniques such as balloon angioplasty, stents, or atherectomy to open blockages or remove plaque from the artery and improve or restore blood flow.
If endovascular therapy is not suitable to resolve arterial blockages, traditional surgical bypass procedures may be required.

Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center

In cases of trauma, severe infection, or when alternative treatments to save a limb or extremity have failed, amputation surgery may be reccomended. Our vascular surgeons partner with the Premier Prosthetic Center team to provide comprensive care before your amputation. This unique approach prepares patients for a superior fit and a prosthesis that best suits their goals and abilities. 

The Premier Prosthetic Center team custom builds prosthetic limbs for new amputees, as well as those who may be dissatisfied with the performance and comfort of their existing prosthesis. 

Consultations with Premier Prosthetic Center’s certified prosthetists are FREE for pre and post-amputation patients.  For an appointment, please call (865) 474-7096 or visit the Premier Prosthetic Center website.