Vein Screening - Premier Vascular and Vein Center - Knoxville, TN

If you’ve been contemplating having your varicose veins removed, then now is a perfect time! The team at Premier Vascular and Vein Center want to share some of the reasons why winter is an ideal time for getting vein treatment:

Cold weather provides a good reason for covering up.
After varicose vein treatment, you will be advised to limit sun exposure as UV rays can cause discoloration. Staying out of the sun during winter is very much doable because as the season gets colder, the more likely you are to stay indoors.

Winter clothing can also help disguise the common side effects of treatment such as bruising and swelling. It can also help disguise the compression stockings, which many patients are required to wear after the procedure.

You have ample time to rest and get ready for the shorts season.
There are some vein treatments that will require you to rest up in the house and only do the minimal movement. This can be challenging during warm weather when it’s more tempting to spend time outdoors.

Vein treatment during winter also provides you ample time to heal up before the warm weather arrives.

Varicose veins are more visible during winter.
You may notice that your varicose veins are at their nastiest during winter. It’s because, during colder seasons, our physical activity tends to decrease, and hence, blood circulation is also decreased. This makes the varicose veins stand out more, which can help identify your problem areas.

If your varicose veins have been bothering you, call us. At Premier Vascular and Vein Center in Knoxville, we specialize in minimally-invasive vein treatments. Most are covered by insurance.

Not sure have varicose veins? Request an appointment for a complimentary vein screening (ultrasound is not included) by calling us at (865) 588-8229. On request an appointment online at